Chair of Trustees
Erin Casely
I am a freelance consultant with 20 years’ leadership experience and particular expertise in strategy, change and organisational development. With deep rooted values around inclusion and social justice I am inspired and heartened by the incredible work of TFSW and honoured to be a trustee.
Sarah Fairbairns
I am a psychotherapist and was one of the first to work with clients with TFSW when the charity was created. After many years I chose to step back from the frontline and become a trustee instead. Since then I’ve had several different roles: fundraising initiatives, organising conferences, marketing and proofreading leaflets.
Miriam Nye
I have over 10 years’ experience as a specialist social worker working with refugees. I currently run a support service for refugees and migrants living with HIV in the Bristol area.
Ellie Palmer
I am a freelance fundraising consultant with 25 years' experience of working principally for social welfare charities. I believe we must support those coming to our country seeking refuge and asylum and that we have much to gain from inclusion. I am therefore delighted and honoured to have become a trustee of TFSW.
John Eames
I have worked as a barrister representing individual clients in immigration cases in courts and tribunals. I am a tribunal judge sitting in the social entitlement and immigration & asylum chambers of the First-tier Tribunal.
Liz Murphy
I worked as an inner-city GP with a remarkably diverse population for many years. I became interested in the physical, psychological, and social issues affecting the health of people I was working with who had fled war, persecution, or oppression. I became a trustee of TFSW after retiring from clinical work.
Quen Geuter
I am CEO of Trauma Treatment International. I have over 20 years' experience working with NGOs to build scale, capabilities and partnerships. I join TFSW in their determination to provide essential mental health interventions to those who need them most.